- contribute more to the development of〔~の〕
これまで以上に~を切望する: long for ~ more strongly than ever before
これまで以上に: more than ever
国家の発展に貢献する: contribute to national development
安定と発展に貢献する: contribute to the stabilization and development of〔~の〕
平和と発展に貢献する: play a role for peace and development
持続的な発展に貢献する: contribute to sustainable development for〔~の〕
経済発展に貢献する: contribute to the economic development of〔~の〕
継続的な発展に貢献する: contribute to the sustainable development of〔~の〕
これまで以上に~を強く望む: long for ~ more strongly than ever before
これまで以上に急を要するようだ: be likely to be more pressing than ever before
これまで以上に能力を発揮する: exercise one's abilities more than ever
進展に貢献する: contribute to the progress of〔~の〕
世界経済の安定的発展に貢献する: contribute to the stable development of the world economy
世界経済の持続的発展に貢献する: 1. contribute to sustained development of the global economy 2. contribute to the sustainable development of the global economy
世界経済の更なる発展に貢献する: contribute to further global economic growth