transfer relatively advanced content to higher grades or educational stages
相対的に移動させる: cause relative movement xからyに移行させる: make the transition from X to Y 酸素を血液に移行させる: transfer oxygen to the blood〔肺が〕 相対的に高い: be relatively high 小学校段階: stage of primary school 相対的に高くなる: be relatively high 文化的に高度な: culturally advanced 段階的に移行する: make gradual transition 開発段階に移行する: move to the development stage ビジョンの段階から行動の段階へ移行させる: bring ~ from the stage of vision to that of action〔~を〕 世界を農業社会から工業社会に移行させる: transform the world from an agricultural society to an industrial society 酸素を吸入して血流に移行させる肺機能の障害: lung's reduced ability to take up oxygen into the bloodstream 高度な内容の聞き取りと読解: aural and reading comprehension of heavy subject matter 学習内容を量的に充実させる: quantitatively improve the contents of learning 学校段階が上がる: proceed through educational stages