- lung's reduced ability to take up oxygen into the bloodstream
酸素を血液に移行させる: transfer oxygen to the blood〔肺が〕
血液中に酸素を移行させる: transfer oxygen into the blood
xからyに移行させる: make the transition from X to Y
酸素を吸入する: administer oxygen
遊離して血流に乗る: break free into the bloodstream〔血塊などが〕
認知機能の障害: 1. impaired cognitive function 2. impairment of [in] cognitive functioning
肺機能の悪化を遅らせる: slow the deterioration in lung function
肺機能障害: 1. impairment of lung function 2. pulmonary [pulmonic] impairment
世界を農業社会から工業社会に移行させる: transform the world from an agricultural society to an industrial society
相対的に高度な内容を上の学年や学校段階に移行させる: transfer relatively advanced content to higher grades or educational stages
心肺機能の適応: cardiopulmonary fitness
言語機能のある面の障害を来す: interfere with some aspect of language function
酸素を還元して超酸化物陰イオンを発生させる: reduce oxygen to give the superoxide anion
酸素を血液に移す: transfer oxygen to the blood〔肺が〕
特定不能の障害: disorder not otherwise specified