相手の意見と自分の気持ちの接点が合って: 【形】 on 自分の気持ちの整理をつけなさい。: Get over yourself. 焦点が合って: in focus 競争相手の申し出を負かす: beat competitor offer 自分の気持ちを伝える: tell someone how one feels / tell someone one's feelings〔人に〕 自分の気持ちを偽らない: be honest about one's feelings 自分の気持ちを抑える: 1. hold oneself in 2. rein oneself in 3. suppress one's own feelings 4. take a grip on oneself 自分の気持ちを満たす: satisfy one's own neediness 自分の気持ちを眠らせる: let one's mind go to sleep 自分の気持ちを話す 1: talk about one's feelings about〔~についての〕 自分の気持ちを話す 2 tell someone how one feels / tell someone one's feelings〔人に〕 自分の気持ちを隠す: conceal one's feelings from〔人に〕 自分の気持ちを顧みる: think about how [what] one feels 相手の気持ちを引き付ける: come on to the other person 相手の気持ちを読むのが上手な人: good mind reader 相手の気持ちを読むのが下手な人: poor mind reader