- bring maximum results in a short time
かなりの成果をもたらす: produce [bring about, realize, show, yield] appreciable results
短期間に最大の効果を得る: achieve maximum results in a short period of time
成果をもたらす 1: 1. bear fruit 2. bring forth fruit 3. come to fruition 4. deliver the product 成果をもたらす 2 yield benefits towards〔~への〕
具体的な成果をもたらす: yield positive results
大きな成果をもたらす: 1. bring about great success 2. bring about substantial results
実質的な成果をもたらす: bring about substantial results
望ましい成果をもたらす: bring about desirable results
~間にろ過効果をもたらす: effect filtration between
最大の成果: foremost achievement
最大の成果を達成する: achieve maximum results of〔~の〕
はっきりした成果をもたらす: yield positive results
~以来最大の競争をもたらす: bring about the biggest competition since
効果をもたらす 1: bring about an effect 効果をもたらす 2 1. cause an effect on 2. make an effect (on)〔~に〕 効果をもたらす 3 produce improvement〔症状などに対する〕
好結果をもたらす: 1. lead to a good result 2. produce good results 3. yield a good result
結果をもたらす: bring results