命を投げうつ: cast away one's life 生命を投げうつ: throw away one's life 祖国のために: pro patria 私心をなくし国のために自らの命を投げ出す: selflessly sacrifice oneself for one's country 職を投げうつ: relinquish one's post 祖国のために戦う: fight for one's country 祖国のために死ぬ: die for one's fatherland 国のために命を投げ出すという思想を教えられる: be taught the philosophy of sacrificing one's life for the state 祖国の発展のために: for the sake of the prosperity of one's nation 国のために命をささげる: give one's life for one's country 一命をなげうって: 1. at the cost of one's life 2. at the sacrifice of life 祖国のために懸命に尽くす: lean [bend] over backward for one's own country 国のために: 1. for the good of the nation 2. in the interest of the country 生命をなげうつ: sacrifice one's life 祖国独立のために戦う: fight for an independent homeland