- I'm tired, too! But someone got to watch her!
猫ちゃんが逃げないようにしっかり押さえてないといけないんです。でもこの子は長い間押さえられているの好きじゃないでしょうねえ。ここに連れてきたら、助手の誰かがきっと切ってくれますよ。: You have to hold her real hard so that she won't slip out, but she won't be comfortable to be held for a long time. If you bring her here, one of the vet technicians will clip them for you.
ビリーのベビーシッターが今日病気でね、誰か他の人があの子の面倒見ないといけないの。あなたできる?: Billy's babysitter is sick today, and someone needs to watch him. Can you do that?
きっと疲れてるんだよ。今日はオレがこの子の面倒見るから。: You must be tired. I'll watch him today.
分かった… でも私があの子の面倒をいつも見てるの、当たり前だと思わないでよね。私だってあなたと同じように、フルタイムで働いてるんだからね。: OK... But don't take it for granted that I always watch him. I'm working full-time, just like you.
いるけど、もしあなたが家に帰ってくるならルーシーの面倒を見ててほしいの。薬局に行きたかったんだけど、行けないのよ。この子を連れて行けないでしょ。: I am, but if you are gonna come back home, I want you to watch Lucy. I wanted to go to the drugstore, but I couldn't because I can't take her with me.
うーん、でもうちには犬がいるのよ。でもあの子、全然犬の面倒見ないのよ。: Well, we have a dog. But she doesn't take care of him at all.
知るわけないでしょ。: How am I supposed to know?
でもきっと、こうあるべきなんでしょうね。何でもかんでも先生に押し付けるべきじゃないでしょ。私たちだって、あの子がちゃんと授業についていけるようにしないと。: But I guess this is the way it should be. We shouldn't leave everything to her teacher. We should make sure that she is keeping up with her class.
どうしてそんな大事なこと、黙ってたの?電話してお礼を言わないといけないでしょ。いつもらったの?: Why didn't you tell me an important thing like that? I have to call her and say thank you. When did she give it to you?
でもまだ子供の面倒は彼女たちが見なきゃいけないんだけど、普通は。: Although they still have to take care of the kids, usually.
いい考えねえ。女の子はブロッコリー食べなくていいとは言えないけど、18歳になったらブロッコリー食べなくていいとは言えるわよ。18歳になるまでには、ブロッコリー好きになってるでしょ。: Good idea. I can't say girls don't have to eat broccoli, but I can say people don't have to eat broccoli when they get to be to 18. I bet he'll like broccoli by the time he turns 18.
あの子の先生がくれたのよ。毎日あの子の宿題を見てやってね、これに記入しないといけないんだって。きっと私たちが協力的か、調べたいのね。: Her teacher gave this to us. We have to help her homework everyday, and fill this out. I bet he wants to know how cooperative we are.
そういうこと、しちゃいけないんだって分かってるでしょ?: You know you shouldn't do that, right?〔親→子〕
いいえ、行けないわよ。ホテルは予約でいっぱいよ。飛行機だってそう。来年まで待たないといけないのよ!: No, we can't. All hotels are booked up. So are the flights. We'll have to wait until next year!!
私がこの子の面倒を見るよ。: I'm going to be there for this kid.