- run the danger of damaging the mental health
危険に身をさらす: 1. expose oneself to danger 2. exposure to a hazard 3. lay one's head on the block 4. put one's head on the block 5. put oneself in danger 6. put oneself out on the line 7. subject oneself to danger
あえて危険に身をさらす: stick one's neck out
死の危険に身をさらす: expose oneself to the danger of death
進んで危険に身をさらす: 1. place one's head in the lion's mouth〔 【直訳】 頭をライオンの口の中に入れる〕 2. put one's head in the lion's mouth〔 【直訳】 頭をライオンの口の中に入れる〕
健康を損なう: 健康を損なう けんこうをそこなう to lose one's health
精神的健康を保つ: mentally stay fit
健康を危険にさらす: take a chance with someone's health〔人の〕
健康を損なう 1: 1. abuse one's health 2. fall ill 3. fall into ill health 4. get [become] ill 5. injure one's health 6. lose one's health 7. one's health breaks down 8. ruin one's health 9. slip into poor health 健康
健康を損なうこと: loss of health
健康を損なうな。: Don't ruin your health.
に身をさらす: lay oneself (wide) open to blame
精神的健康: mental health
攻撃に身をさらす: lay oneself open to attack
すっかり健康を損なう: ruin one's constitution
健康を損なう恐れなく: without health risks