bring major health benefits without harming economies
世界経済に大きな利益をもたらす: bring major benefits to world economies 経済に悪影響を与える: 1. harm economies 2. harm the economy 健康に悪影響をもたらす: have an adverse effect on one's health 大きな利益をもたらす 1: bring about substantive benefits for〔~に〕 大きな利益をもたらす 2 provide someone with a significant advantage〔人に〕 世界経済に大きな影響をもたらす: exert a large-scale influence on the world economy 第三国の利益に悪影響をもたらす: adversely affect the interest of third countries 健康に悪影響を与える: have adverse effects on someone's health〔人の〕 医学分野に大きな利益をもたらす: bring a remarkable gain in medicine field 双方に大きな利益をもたらす: produce major benefits for both sides 経済に好影響をもたらす: have a favorable impact on the economy 大きな影響を与えること: big needle right in the eye of〔人に〕 悪影響をもたらす: have an adverse affect on〔~へ〕 地域経済に大きな影響を与える: greatly influence the regional economy 大きな経済利益をもたらす: bring about large economic benefits 大きな影響をもたらす: have a great impact [influence] on〔~に〕