Economically, the issue is not as important as both countries make it.
それほど重要ではない: 【形】 number two [2] / No. 2 以前ほど重要ではない: be no longer as critical as ~ was in the past〔~はもう〕 道徳的な見地から言えば: from a moral standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view] 道徳的見地から言えば: from a moral standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view] 道義的な見地から言えば: from a moral standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view] 道義的見地から言えば: from a moral standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view] 取引がまとまるまでは、その件は重要ではない。: The matter isn't important until the business deal has been agreed on. ほとんど重要ではない: mean little to とって宗教はそれほど重要ではないとしても: even though religion is not that important to〔人に〕 このプロジェクトでは、話すための英語の能力はそれほど重要ではない。: Your ability at spoken English is not so important at this project. この音楽作品はそれほど重要なものではない: This piece of music is a minor work. 経済的な重要性から言えば: in terms of the economic importance それ自体はほとんど重要ではない: be in itself of little consequence この見地から見れば: 1. seen in this light 2. viewed in this light 遠慮なく言えば、君はそれほど重要じゃない: To be blunt, you're not that important.