The economy got a boost from an increase in housing starts.
住宅建設の増加: increase in residential construction 住宅の着工数: construction of homes 聴衆は彼の登場によっていっそう活気づいた。: The entire audience was energized more by the actor's appearance. 構造ビルの増加によって妨げられる: be hampered by the increasing number of high-rise buildings 路上犯罪の増加によって拍車が掛かる: be driven up by a rise in crime on the street 景気の明るい展望によって活気づけられる: be fueled by a rosy economic outlook 数の増加に伴って増加する: increase with increasing numbers of〔~の〕 ヘモグロビンの増加によって組織への酸素供給量を増加させる: improve oxygen delivery to tissues by increasing hemoglobin 住宅建設: 1. dwelling construction 2. homebuilding 3. house building 4. house construction 5. housing construction 心拍数の増加につながる: lead to a rapid heartbeat 新設住宅着工数: new residential construction starts 教育水準の増加による: be attributable to the increased level of education of〔~の〕 住宅建設産業: home building industry 住宅建設組合: housing association 住宅建設計画: housing scheme