1. accountants' department 2. accounting department 3. accounting division 4. general accounting department [dept., division, div.] 5. paymaster's department
that's what i want to know . tell me something , halliday . 経理部長だろ 何とか言えよ
currently the accounting department is looking for ways to 弊社の開発資金は 今 経理部が
currently the accounting department is looking for ways to 弊社の開発資金は 今 経理部が
as this company's accounting department manager . この会社の経理部長として
i'm from accounting . i think so too . 「経理部の者です。 私も 同感です」
経理部の人: money people 経理部長: 1. Accountants Manager 2. chief controller 3. comptroller 財務部、経理部: 【組織】 Finance Department 経理部に通さない: bypass accounting department 経理部に話を通さない: bypass accounting department 経理部の了解を取らない: bypass accounting department 経理部の承認を得ない: bypass accounting department 経理部の記録によれば: according to the accounting department records 経理: 経理 けいり management accounting これを経理部長へ転送してください: Please cascade this to account manager. イイヅカ氏は経理部の長だ: Mr. Iizuka is head of the accounting department. 田中さんはabc社の経理部長です。: Mr. Tanaka is finance director at ABC Company. 経理部では、カートが私よりも年下だ: Kurt is junior to me in the accounting department. 経理部長は、会社にはもうお金は残っていないと言った: The treasurer said the company had no money left. 経理士: 経理士 n. accountant 【C】 会計係, 会計士, 経理士;主計(官). (見出しへ戻る headword ? 経理)