TB killed many who have no access to modern medical facilities.
結核は現代的医療設備を使えない多数の人を死なせた: TB killed many who have no access to modern medical facilities. 結核は近代的医療施設を使えない多数の人を死なせた: TB killed many who have no access to modern medical facilities. 結核は近代的医療設備を使えない多数の人を殺した: TB killed many who have no access to modern medical facilities. 結核は現代的医療施設を使えない多数の人を死なせた: TB killed many who have no access to modern medical facilities. 結核は現代的医療設備を使えない多数の人を殺した: TB killed many who have no access to modern medical facilities. 結核は近代的医療施設を使えない多数の人を殺した: TB killed many who have no access to modern medical facilities. 結核は現代的医療施設を使えない多数の人を殺した: TB killed many who have no access to modern medical facilities. 多数の人々を死なせる: cause many people to die 死なせたくない: deploring that their lives should have been sacrificed 病院の医療設備を整える: furnish medical equipment to the hospital 医療設備: 1. medical facility 2. medical paraphernalia たくさんの人々を死なせる: cause many people to die 事故で(人)を死なせる: kill someone by accident 脚を使えない: have a bone in one's leg 医療機器の操作ミスで患者を死なせたとする業務上過失致死罪に問われる: be accused of professional negligence resulting in death by improper use of medical equipment