和平プロセスを進める: push forward the peace process プロセスを円滑にする: facilitate the process 事を円滑に進める: grease [oil] the wheels〔わいろなどで〕 和平プロセスを弱める: weaken the peace process 確かな和平プロセス: credible peace process 交渉を円滑に進める: smoothly launch negotiations at〔~での〕 仕事を円滑に進める: facilitate one's work 企業救済を円滑に進める: facilitate the bailout 会議を円滑に進める: assure the smooth running of conferences 入学を円滑に進める: facilitate someone's smooth enrollment〔人の〕 再建を円滑に進める: facilitate the reconstruction of〔~の〕 受け入れを円滑に進める: advance smooth acceptance of〔~の〕 国際会議を円滑に進める: facilitate an international conference 地域協力を円滑に進める: expedite regional cooperation 官民提携を円滑に進める: facilitate cooperation between the public and private sectors