- She put an arm about his thin shoulders and drew him close.
あのいじめっ子は彼の物を隠して彼を悩ませた: That bully persecuted him by hiding his stuff.
私たちは彼のやせた顔に驚いた: His gaunt face shocked us.
やせた: 【形】 1. bony 2. gaunt 3. lean〔 【参考】 become leaner and meaner〕 4. meager 5. scranny 6. spare〔ぜい肉がなくて〕 7. sterile 8. thin
いすを引き寄せる: pull up a chair
人口を引き寄せる: draw populations
群衆を引き寄せる: draw crowds
裾を引き寄せる: 1. draw one's skirts together 2. gather up one's skirts
顧客を引き寄せる: reel in customers
彼女は子どもの手をつかみ、自分の方へ引き寄せた: She grabbed the child's hand and pulled him toward her.
外国資本を引き寄せる: attract foreign capital
買い手を引き寄せる: attract buyers
引き寄せる: 引き寄せる ひきよせる to draw or pull something towards oneself (e.g. chair)
やせた〔土地が〕: 【形】 infertile
やせた人: 1. pull-through 2. sparely built man 3. thin man 4. thin person
やせた体: 1. bony body 2. frail body 3. gaunt body 4. thin body