- overcome some of one's obstacles
人生の障害を乗り越える: overcome a hurdle in one's life
開発の障害を乗り越える: overcome obstacles to development in〔~における〕
いくつかのハードルを乗り越える: cross over several hurdles
厳しい障害を乗り越える: negotiate a difficult obstacle
障害を乗り越える 1: 1. get over a barrier 2. get over a brick wall 3. get over an obstacle 4. get surmount an obstacle 5. hurdle a roadblock 6. overpass obstacles 7. scramble through the obstacles 8. surmount an obstac
難しい障害を乗り越える: negotiate a difficult obstacle
あらゆる障害にぶつかりながら困難な状況を乗り越えていく: 1. run through the ugly forest and hit every branch [tree]〔比喩的な慣用句〕 2. walk through the ugly forest and hit every branch [tree]〔比喩的な慣用句〕
自分が抱える障害: self-handicap
おびただしい数の障害物を乗り越える: overcome numerous hurdles
言語の障壁を乗り越える: overcome the language barrier
いくつかの問題を抱えている: have some problems
いくつもの試練を乗り越える: overcome many hardships
自分で困難を乗り越える: overcome problems on one's own
障害を次々と乗り越える: overcome hurdle after hurdle
不況を乗り越える: 1. get through a recession 2. get through the slump in the economy