自分の要求に合うように: in a form that meets one's needs 自分の稼ぎに合うように金を使え。: Lay your wame to your winning. しぜんのふところ: しぜんのふところ 自然の懐 bosom of Nature 自分に合った~を選ぶ: select ~ of one's choice 自分の好みに合ったものを選ぶ: make one's choice in accordance with one's own taste 自分の趣味に合ったものを選ぶ: make one's choice in accordance with one's own taste 自分の目的に合った行き先を慎重に選ぶ: choose one's destination carefully to suit one's needs 宿泊先: 宿泊先 しゅくはくさき lodging host lodging place …に合うようにする: bring ~ into line with〔~を〕 間に合うように: in time for〔~に〕 訪問先を選ぶ: select a destination to visit 志願者は自分の興味と能力に合うように、オモチャ屋のように様々な選択肢がある: Applicants have a toy-store variety of options to suit their interests and skills. 自分の好きなものを選ぶ: pick out what one wants 自分の好きな言語を選ぶ: make one's choice of language 際どいところで間に合う: make it in the nick of time