- put one's opinion down in writing
自分の意見を文章にする: put one's opinion down in writing
考えを文章にまとめる: put one's idea into writing
自分の意見をまとめる: form [formulate] one's own opinion (about)〔~について〕
自分なりの意見をまとめる: have one's opinions
クラスの意見をまとめる: get a consensus from the class
自分の意思をまとめる: organize one's thoughts
原案を文書にまとめる: draw up the plan in written form
意見をまとめる 1: 1. focus one's thoughts 2. frame a response 意見をまとめる 2 form [formulate] an opinion (about)〔~について〕
みんなの意見をまとめるのに苦労する: have difficulty getting everyone to agree
自分の意見を通す: keep one's opinion straight
自分の意見を隠す: mask one's sentiments
自分の考えをエッセーにまとめる: organize one's thoughts in an essay
自分の考えを論文にまとめる: organize one's thoughts in an essay
…にまとめる: 1. bind ~ together into 2. pull together ~ into〔~を〕 ~にまとめる shape into
~にまとめる: shape into …にまとめる 1. bind ~ together into 2. pull together ~ into〔~を〕