He found it hard to control the strain of the situation.
自分の置かれた状況に仕方なく身を任せる: resign oneself to his situation 自分の置かれた現実: personal realities 乗り越えるのは大変だ: be hard to override 自分のおかれた状況に気付く: came to realize one's true situation 自分が置かれた状況下で生き続けるしかない: have no other alternative to keep alive under the conditions one has been pushed to 血圧を抑える: keep a lid on blood pressure 自分の置かれた立場を見て現実をあるがままに理解する: look at one's situation and understand it as it really is ライフガードの資格を得るのは大変だと聞いたことがある。: I've heard that to qualify to become a lifeguard is a tough thing to do. 前例のないことをするのは大変だ。: It's hard to do something that hasn't been done before. 勉強に専念するのは大変だ: It can be hard for kids to devote themselves to their studies. 厳戒態勢下で生活するのは大変だ: It is tough to live on high alert. 子どもを連れて旅行するのは大変だ。: It's a lot of trouble traveling with the children. 子どもを連れて移動するのは大変だよ。: It's a lot of trouble traveling with the kids. 換気扇の掃除をするのは大変だ。: The fan is hard to clean. 自分の感情を抑える: 1. get a grasp on oneself 2. take a grasp on oneself