自分は健康だと思う: consider oneself healthy 自分は幸運だと考える: count oneself lucky 時間だと(人)に伝える: tell someone that it is time to〔~する〕 自分の意見を(人)に伝える: convey one's sentiments to 自分の考えを(人)に伝える: 1. get one's idea over to 2. share one's insight with 自分の行動を(人)に伝える: tell someone what one did 自分は幸運だと思う: count oneself lucky 健康だと思考も冴える: 健康だと思考も冴える Good health encourages clear thinking. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 冴える) 健康と繁栄を祈る気持ちを(人)に伝える: send to someone one's best wishes for good health and for prosperity どちらが優位だと思ったかを(人)に伝える: tell someone who one thinks got the upper hand 話しても大丈夫だと(人)に伝える: let someone know that it's okay to talk about〔~について〕 話題にしても大丈夫だと(人)に伝える: let someone know that it's okay to talk about〔~のことを〕 重要だということを(人)に伝える: tell someone that it is important for him to〔~することが〕 いないと(人)に伝える: tell someone (that) someone is not here [available]〔人は〕 弔意を(人)に伝える: extend someone's personal sympathy to〔人の〕