send to someone one's best wishes for good health and for prosperity
健康と繁栄を祈る気持ちを(人)に送る: send to someone one's best wishes for good health and for prosperity 正直な気持ちを(人)に伝える: give someone one's honest feeling about〔~についての〕 気持ちを(人)の家族に伝える: convey someone's feelings to someone's family〔人の〕 今後の健勝と繁栄を祈る: wish someone the best of health and prosperity for the period ahead〔人の〕 友情と優しい気持ちを(人)に伝える: convey someone's expressions of friendship and warm feelings to〔人の〕 心からのお祝いの気持ちを(人)に伝える: send someone one's hearty congratulations 心からの哀悼の気持ちを(人)に伝える: extend someone's profoundest sympathy to〔人の〕 心からの感謝の気持ちを(人)に伝える: convey someone's sincere thanks to〔人の〕 深い哀悼の気持ちを(人)に伝える: convey someone's sincerest condolences to〔人の〕 新年に当たり(人)の健勝と多幸と繁栄を祈る: wish someone a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year 幸せを祈る気持ちを込めて: with the best wishes of〔~の〕 くれぐれもよろしくとの気持ちを(人)に伝える: convey someone's best regards and the feeling of high esteem to〔人の〕 ますますの活躍と繁栄を祈る: wish someone continued success and prosperity〔人の〕 健康と幸福を祈る: wish for the health and happiness of〔人の〕 対しクリスマスと新年の多幸と繁栄を祈る: wish someone a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year〔人に〕