- wish someone the best of health and prosperity for the period ahead〔人の〕
新年に当たり(人)の健勝と多幸と繁栄を祈る: wish someone a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year
ますますの活躍と繁栄を祈る: wish someone continued success and prosperity〔人の〕
健康と繁栄を祈る気持ちを(人)に伝える: send to someone one's best wishes for good health and for prosperity
健康と繁栄を祈る気持ちを(人)に送る: send to someone one's best wishes for good health and for prosperity
末永い健勝と多幸を祈る: extend one's very best wishes for someone's continued health and happiness〔人の〕
対しクリスマスと新年の多幸と繁栄を祈る: wish someone a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year〔人に〕
今後の成功を祈る: 1. offer one's best wishes for someone's future success 2. wish someone every success in his future endeavors〔人の〕
今後の幸運と多幸を祈る: extend to someone all good fortune and happiness for the future〔人の〕
今後の末永い発展と繁栄: many more years of progress and success
今後の(人)の事業での活躍と多幸を祈る: wish someone the best of luck in continuing in the business he is devoted to
(個人として)(人)の今後の多幸を祈る: offer someone one's personal best wishes for the future
対し今後の活動にもさらなる成功を祈る: wish someone further success in any future endeavor〔人に〕
死後の冥福を祈る: commend one's soul to God
ますますの清栄を祈る: send someone one's very best wishes for continued success〔人の〕
世界の平和と繁栄を導く: usher in global peace and prosperity