maintain one's health depended on one's own efforts
自分自身の努力で解決する: haul oneself up by one's (own) bootstraps 自分自身の健康を守るために努力する: work at keeping oneself healthy 健康を維持する: 1. keep one's good health 2. keep oneself in good health 3. maintain fitness 4. maintain good health 5. maintain one's own health 6. preserve health 7. remain healthy 8. stay fit 9. stay healthy [we自分自身の努力によって: by one's own effort 心身共に健康を維持する: maintain a healthy body and mind 運動して健康を維持する: keep oneself up by exercising 自分自身の能力で: in one's own right 死ぬまで健康な体を維持する: stay healthy [well] throughout one's life 健康を維持するのに必要なことをする: do what's necessary to keep someone healthy〔人の〕 健康を維持するのに役立つ: help someone succeed in maintaining healthy〔人が〕 健康を維持する方法を学ぶ: learn how to stay healthy 早期老化を防ぎ健康を維持する: combat premature aging to maintain a healthy 身体を鍛えて健康を維持する: get and stay in shape 構造改革への努力を維持する: keep up one's efforts for structural reforms 自分の健康を維持管理する: keep oneself in shape