かん高く叫ぶ: scream loudly 苦痛の叫び声を上げる: 1. give a cry of pain 2. let out a cry of pain 3. utter a cry of pain 苦痛で、彼は叫び声を上げた。: The pain made him scream. 苦痛のあまり叫ぶ: yell in agony 苦痛のあまりうめき声を立てる: 1. give a moan of pain 2. moan in one's pain 犯人追跡の叫び声をあげる: raise a hue and cry (against)〔~に対して〕 耳をつんざくような苦痛の叫び声を上げる: scream [issue, let out] an ear-piercing scream of pain [anguish] 心痛のあまり: 1. in (one's) agony 2. in an agony of despair 3. in anguish 苦痛で叫び声を上げる: yelp with pain 苦痛の叫び: scream of pain 心痛のあまり死ぬ: die of grief 叫び声を聞く: hear someone scream〔人の〕 耳をつんざく叫び声: piercing screams 叫び声を上げる: 1. emit a cry 2. give out a yell 3. lift a shout 4. set up a shout 5. utter a scream 叫び声を合図に: at the cry of〔~という〕