苦痛のあまり叫ぶ: yell in agony 口をへの字に曲げる: 1. turn down one's mouth 2. turn down the corners of one's mouth 心痛のあまり: 1. in (one's) agony 2. in an agony of despair 3. in anguish くの字に曲がったもの: dogleg 苦痛のあまりうめき声を立てる: 1. give a moan of pain 2. moan in one's pain 心痛のあまり死ぬ: die of grief 半分に曲げたひざ: half-bent knees 体を前に曲げる: bend (oneself) forward 苦痛で体を曲げる: double over in agony あまり体重が増えない: not gain much weight つばを上に曲げた帽子: cocked hat 首を後方に曲げた状態で: with head thrown back 苦痛の: 【形】 1. agonizing 2. inflictive 3. pained 4. painful 壁にぴったり体をくっつけている: keep up against the wall 喜びのあまり: 1. in (one's) delight 2. in the fullness of one's joy 3. with joy