- use a drink containing a drug to knock someone out
酒を飲ませる〔~に〕: 【他動】 liquor
薬物入りの茶を飲ませる: make someone drink tea laced with a drug〔人に〕
彼は彼女にどんどんお酒を飲ませて酔わせようとした: He plied her with drink to try and get her drunk.
意識がもうろうとした: 【形】 1. groggy 2. hung
意識がもうろうとして: off [out of] one's block [box, crumpet, crust, gourd, loop, nut, onion, squiff, skull, track, wack]
酒で意識もうろうとなる: be stupefied with drink
毒を飲ませる: have someone drink poison〔人に〕
意識もうろう: 1. stupor 2. trance
催眠導入剤を飲ませて持ち物を盗む: trick someone into taking sleeping pills so that one could steal his personal belongings〔人に〕
国民の意識を変えさせる: bring a shift in the public's attitude to〔~への〕
酒を一口飲ませる: give someone a suck of liquor〔人に〕
乳を飲ませる 1: 1. nurse at the breast 2. suckle on one's breast 乳を飲ませる 2 【他動】 nurse 乳を飲ませる 3 1. give suck to 2. give the breast (to)〔~に〕 乳を飲ませる 4 feed at the breast〔子に〕
水を飲ませる〔~に〕: 【他動】 water
薬を飲ませる 1: administer a medicine 薬を飲ませる 2 1. give someone medicine / give medicine to 2. make someone take a medicine〔人に〕
薬を飲ませる〔~に〕: 【他動】 drug