過半数を占めている: be in majority 過半数を占めて: in the majority 参議院で過半数を占める: have a majority in the House of Counselors 衆議院の過半数の指示を受けて: with the backing of the majority of Lower House members 過半数を占める 1: have a majority 過半数を占める 2 be made up of a majority of〔~が〕 過半数を占める 3 occupy the majority of〔~の〕 改選議席の過半数を獲得する: garner a majority of the seats at stake 新しい国会で議席の過半数を獲得する: win a majority of seats in the new parliament 日本のゲーム市場の過半数を占める: control the majority of Japan's games market わずかに過半数を占める: have only a razor-thin majority 一票差で過半数を占める: hold a one-vote majority 上院の過半数: Senate majority 空席となった衆議院の議席を争う: vie for the Lower House seat vacated by〔~によって〕 衆議院で過半数を回復する: regain a simple majority in the Lower House 衆議院での議席数を伸ばす: increase one's seats in the Lower House 多数を占めている: have a majority