- long-term changes in administrative culture
気候の長期的変化: long-term changes in climate
長期的変化を必要とする: require long-term changes in〔~における〕
長期的変動: secular drift
周期的変化: 1. periodic change 2. periodic variation 3. periodical change
周期的変化量: cyclical quantity
グローバル化の長期的影響を軽く見る: underestimate the long-range effects of globalization
世界化の長期的影響を軽く見る: underestimate the long-range effects of globalization
気象の短期的変化: short-term changes in the weather
社会的変化の兆し: symptom of social change
質的変化の兆し: sign of qualitative change
会社の長期的安定: long-term health of a company
景気の長期的低迷: prolonged economic stagnation
長期的水質変化: long-term water quality response
パルス周期の周期的変化: cyclic change in the pulse period
画期的変化をもたらす: bring about revolutionary changes