- Many disaster victims claimed the tax write-off.
州税の控除: state tax break
法人税の控除: credit against corporation tax
自分の利益を追い求めた警官の多くが逮捕された: Many of the police who were on the take were arrested.
被災者: 被災者 ひさいしゃ victim of (some disaster)
現在の控除を一部見直す: reexamine some of the current deductions
免除を求める: seek absolution
所得課税の控除制度: deduction system for income tax
友人の多くが結婚し始めた。: A lot of my friends started getting married.
被災者の救援に~を派遣する: send ~ to the relief of the sufferers
読者の多く: many of someone's readers〔人の〕
削除を求めます。: I move to strike.《裁判》
武装解除を求める: call for disarmament
原爆被災者: atomic bomb survivors [sufferers]
地震被災者: people affected by an earthquake
戦争被災者: war-affected populations