援助を求めて訴える: appeal for help 損害賠償を求めて訴える: sue the State for redress〔~に〕 方針の変更を求めて訴える: appeal for a change in the policy ~を求めて訴えかける: make an appeal to someone for〔人に〕 慈悲を求める 1: plead for mercy 慈悲を求める 2 beg for (someone's) mercy〔人に〕 懸命に慈悲を請う: desperately beg for mercy 王に慈悲を請う: supplicate a king for mercy 神に慈悲を請う: entreat mercy of God / entreat God for mercy 感情込めて訴える: make an emotional plea for〔~を〕 離婚による財産分与を求めて夫を裁判所に訴える: sue one's husband in a public court for a divorce settlement 裁判官による公判: bench trial〔陪審審理によらず裁判官のみで行われる審理〕 最終的解釈権限を裁判官に与える: give final interpretive authority to judges 裁判官に絶対的な権限を与える: give judges absolute power 決定の取り消しを求めて訴訟を起こす: file suit to seek nullification of the decision クリスマス前夜に慈悲を示す: show compassion on Christmas Eve