There were 150 people lined up in front of the courthouse to participate in a lottery for 30 gallery seats.
食料品店の前に長い列を作って並ぶ: stand in long queues in front of a food shop 裁判の傍聴人: 1. court spectators 2. spectator at a trial 裁判所の外では復しゅうを求める空気が支配的であった: There was an atmosphere of vengeance outside the court. くじ引き 1: 1. art union〈豪〉 2. drawing 3. drawing of lots 4. lot 5. lottery 6. lottery system 7. sortition くじ引き 2 cavel〈NZ〉〔炭坑作業員が有利な採掘場所を取るために行う〕 くじ引き券: lottery ticket 傍聴席: 傍聴席 ぼうちょうせき visitor's gallery seats for the public 墓に列を作る: file by one's grave〔人の〕 名所を見るのに列を作って待つ: wait in line to see sights 裁判所の手続きによらず: in pais くじ引き制の: 【形】 raffle-style 裁判所の: 【形】 judicial チケットを買うために列を作っている観客: come-in〈米俗〉〔サーカスの〕 席を求める: ask to be seated 婦人傍聴席: ladies' gallery〈英〉 離婚による財産分与を求めて夫を裁判所に訴える: sue one's husband in a public court for a divorce settlement