- a complicated method of scoring
算出法: method for estimation
最終的な得点: net
複雑な: 【形】 1. Byzantine 2. byzantine 3. complected 4. complex 5. complicate 6. complicated 7. complicating 8. convoluted 9. elaborate 10. intricate 11. involute 12. involuted 13. involved 14. knotty 15.
やや複雑な: a bit more complex
実に複雑な: downright perplexing
複雑なもの: 1. complexity 2. complicacy
複雑な事情: 1. the ins and outs 2. wheels within wheels
複雑な人物: complex character
複雑な企画: complex project
複雑な例: intricate case
複雑な儀礼: elaborate protocol
複雑な処方: complex formula
複雑な動機: wheels within wheels
複雑な印象: mixed impressions
複雑な取引: complicated transaction