free people from the problems raised by complicated machines
グローバル化の進展がもたらす問題を解決する: resolve the problems created by the advance of globalization it革命がもたらす問題: issues posed by the IT revolution 複雑な機械: 1. complicated machine 2. intricate machine 3. intricate piece of machinery 複雑な機械類: complicated machinery 多くの非常に複雑な問題をもたらす: put a lot of very complex questions 悪い結果をもたらす問題: problem〔可算〕 複雑な機械を分解する: take apart a complicated machine 複雑な効果をもたらす: have a complex effect upon〔~に〕 複雑な影響をもたらす: have a complex effect upon〔~に〕 グローバリゼーションがもたらす問題に取り組む: address the challenges posed by globalization 国を解放する: liberate a country〔他国の支配などから〕 複雑な問題を解決する 1: solve the complicated problem 複雑な問題を解決する 2 solve a complicated problem of〔~の〕 …の支配から~を解放する: liberate ~ from the domination of 病から人々を救う: help people with disease 複雑な問題を解く: solve complicated problems