- They were out of town this weekend! She lied to her parents and came to my house.
あ、ごめんね。録画しなかったんだよ。: Oh, sorry honey. I didn't.
なんで?こいつがいけなかったんだよ!: Why? She was wrong.
別に本気じゃなかったんだよ。: I didn't mean it.
探したけど、見つからなかったんだよ!: I looked for you, but I couldn't find you.
僕も同じことを思ったんだよ!プールでさ、何か恥ずかしかったんだよ。ほら、他の人はみんな筋肉ついててさ、僕だけ何か青白くてブヨブヨしてて。それでやせようって思ったんだよね。: That's exactly what I thought! I felt kind of embarrassing at the swimming pool. You know, everyone's got muscle but I was pale and flabby! That gave me the motivation to lose weight!
調子悪かったんだよ。: Been under the weather.〔How have you been?などに答えて。〕
あのね、やったんだよ。: Well, I did it.
あんなこと言うつもりじゃなかったんだ!口が滑ったんだよ!: I didn't mean it! I just made a slip of the tongue!
違うんだよ。僕が連れてきたんじゃないんだ。やつらが僕を見つけてついて来たんだよ!: No, I didn't bring them here. They spotted me and followed me!
ちょうど会いたかったんだ!/探してたんだよ!: Just the person!
何だって?!どこで?おまえのうちか?親はどうしたんだよ?: What?! Where? At your place? What about your parents?
それがさあ。狩りしてたら迷子になっちゃったんだよね。夜、独りっきりでさ、それですっげえ寒かったんだよ。もう死ぬんだなと思ったんだけどさ、幸い小屋が見つかってさ!そこで救助を待ったんだよ。: Well. I did get lost when I was hunting. I was all by myself at night, and it was freezing cold. I thought I was gonna die, but thanks God! I found a little house! I waited for the rescue there.
どうだったんだよ?デート楽しかったか?: How did it go? Did you enjoy your date?
何だって?!いいか、番組は11時に始まったんだよ。11時には、もう寝てたんだ。どうして11時におまえは家にいなかったんだ?おまえの門限は10時だろうが?: What?! Listen. The show started at 11, and I was already in bed by then. Why weren't you at home at 11? Your curfew is 10, right?
実はさ、今週僕の身に特別なことが起こったんだよ。: As a matter of fact, something special did happen to me this week.