examine the more complex structures of the language
言語のさらに複雑な構造を検討する: examine the more complex structures of the language 言語のより複雑な構造を考察する: examine the more complex structures of the language 言語のより複雑な構造を検討する: examine the more complex structures of the language 過度に複雑な構造: overly complex structure 複雑な構造を持つ: 【形】 structurally-complex 複雑な構造: complex structure 問題をさらに複雑にする: make the problem even more complicated 物事をさらに複雑にする: complicate things even further 実に複雑な: downright perplexing 複雑な構造の自動車: convoluted car 言語の基本構造を習得する: master the basic structures of the language 言語の基本的な文法構造を把握する: have a grasp of the basic grammatical structures of the language 言語の基本的な文法構造を理解する: have a grasp of the basic grammatical structures of the language 言語の基本的な文法構造を習得する: have a grasp of the basic grammatical structures of the language 言語の基礎的な文法構造を把握する: have a grasp of the basic grammatical structures of the language