express the sorrow one felt upon learning of the loss of〔人の〕
怒りを言葉で表す: voice one's annoyance 謝罪を言葉で表す: put an apology into words 訃報に接し大変悲しんでいる: be very saddened to hear [learn] of〔人の〕 _年前に父親を亡くした時の悲しみを今でも思い出す: still know how sad one was when one lost one's father __ years ago 言葉で表せない悲しみ: unutterable sadness その悲報に接して: at hearing the sad news 自分の意見を言葉で表す: phrase one's communication ~した時に感じた深い悲しみをうまく言い表す言葉: words expressing the deep sorrow someone felt when〔人が〕 ご尊父様の訃報に接し: when I received word that your father had passed away 言葉で表す 1: 【他動】 1. depict 2. word 言葉で表す 2 1. put words to 2. put ~ into words〔~を〕 訃報に接し心からのお悔やみを申し上げます: Allow me to offer my sincerest condolences on / I offer you my deepest condolences on / Please allow me to extend my deepest condolences on 悲報に接し(人)に心からお悔やみを言う: extend to someone one's deepest sympathy at the sad news of〔~との〕 感情のほとばしりを言葉で表す: show oneself to be very expressive of one's emotions 美しさを言葉で表すことなどできない: can't describe by words how beautiful ~ is〔~の〕 適切な言葉で表す: express ~ in proper terms〔~を〕