- The police searched for the criminal in every hole and corner of the town.
警察は犯人を追い詰めて逮捕した: The police tracked down the criminal.
警察は2件の強盗の犯人を逮捕した: The police arrested the perpetrator of the two robberies.
すみずみ: すみずみ 隅々 隅隅 every nook and corner
汗をかいて着ていた服をすみずみまでぬらしてしまった: I sweated through every stitch of clothing I had on.
警察は犯罪の現場を再現しようとした: The police tried to reconstruct the crime scene.
~まで(人)(の足取り)を追って行く: track someone down to
を追って: …を追って adv. **after (犯人など)を追って∥ run after the thief 泥棒を追う. ▲The girls chased off after the singer. 女の子たちはその歌手の後を追って急いで駆け出した. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 追う)
年を追って: 1. each year 2. from year to year 3. over the years 4. year after year
順を追って: 1. in due order 2. in order 3. in the order of events
犯人を町の中心部まで追いかける: follow the criminal to the center of the town
犯人を捜し出す: ferret out a criminal
真犯人を捜し出す: find the true criminal
私は鍵を見つけようと、部屋の隅々まで捜した: I searched through every nook in the room for my keys.
警察はその犯人を根気強く追跡している: The police are in dogged pursuit of the criminal.
その刑事は、とうとう犯人を捜し出した: The detective finally ferreted out the criminal.