原子力財産保険: 1. nuclear energy property insurance 2. nuclear material damage insurance
不動産保険: 1. immovable insurance 2. immovable property insurance 3. immovables insurance
出産保険: maternity insurance
動産保険: 1. insurance on contents 2. movable insurance 3. movables insurance 4. property insurance
資産保険: assets insurance
知的財産保護: intellectual property protection〔 【略】 IPP〕
財産保有会社: property holding corporation
国際知的財産保護協会: 【組織】 Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriete Industrielle / International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property〔 【略】 AIPPI◆1897年設立時の英文名称は International Asso
知的財産保護を強化する: strengthen intellectual property protection
財産の保険料: insurance on property
財産生命保険: property life insurance
企業の財産保全命令を出す: order the protection on the company's assets〔裁判所が〕
公認財産災害保険士: Chartered Property and Casualty
財産に保険をかける: insure one's property against
財産: 財産 ざいさん property fortune assets