- The military government has promised to hand over control of the country to democratically elected politicians.
国の支配権を握る: take control of one's country
軍事政府[政権]: 軍事政府[政権] military regime 【C】 ;junta 〔スペイン〕 【C】 [単数?複数扱い;しばしばけなして] (クーデター後の)軍事政府[政権]
政権を譲る 1: give up the reins of government 政権を譲る 2 hand one's office to〔人に〕
国の支配権を引き渡す: hand over control of the country
国の支配権を手渡す: hand over control of the country
私は、彼を助けると約束した: I made a promise to help him.
~ヘ政権支配を譲る: hand over the reigns of government to
彼は5時までにメールすると約束した。: He promised that he would e-mail me by five o'clock.
彼は言ったとおりにすると約束した。: He made a promise that he would be true to his word.
軍事政権を樹立する: establish [set up] a military government
軍事政権: 軍事政権 ぐんじせいけん military regime
全権を譲る: concede total control over〔~の〕
会社の支配権を失う: lose control of a business
会社の支配権を奪う: wrest control of the company from〔~から〕
会社の支配権を握る: gain control of a business