国家の支配権を手渡す: hand over control of the country 国の支配権を引き渡す: hand over control of the country 国の支配権を握る: take control of one's country 国家の支配権を引き渡す: hand over control of the country 会社の支配権を失う: lose control of a business 会社の支配権を奪う: wrest control of the company from〔~から〕 会社の支配権を握る: gain control of a business 外務省の支配権を奪う: wrest control of the Foreign Ministry from〔~から〕 市場の支配権を得る: 1. gain control of the market 2. take over markets 議会の支配権を握る: win control of congress ~を手渡す: hand ~ to〔人に〕 thaneの支配権: thanage 軍事政権は民選政府に国の支配権を譲ると約束した: The military government has promised to hand over control of the country to democratically elected politicians. メモを手渡す: hand someone a note〔人に〕 下から~を手渡す: pass up