- taxable income entitled to reduced tax rate
すべての所得金額: all income earned
軽減税率: reduced tax rate
調整所得金額: adjusted income
前年の総所得金額: gross income in the previous calendar year
所得金額の合算: aggregation of income amount
その年の給与所得金額: net employment income of the year
自分の所得税率: rate of one's income tax
給与所得金額によって変わる: vary according to the employment income
雇用の所得弾力性: income elasticity of employment
高率適用制度: higher interest rates application system
適用税率: applicable tax rate
所得減税: 1. income tax reduction 2. reduction of income tax
所得税減税: income tax cut
所得税率: income tax rate
中程度の所得者用の家のローン: moderate-income housing loan