The coalition forces launched a push into the capital days before they were expected to do so.
軍事行動を開始する: commence military action 大規模な軍事行動を開始する: launch a massive military operation against〔~への〕 数多くの軍事行動を行う: undertake a number of military operations 素早く行動を開始して~する: move quickly to ~外への軍事行動の拡大: expansion of one's military activities outside of 5月25日早朝、足利軍は作戦を開始した: At dawn of May 25, the Ashikaga army swung into action. アメリカの軍事行動を後方支援する: provide rear-echelon support for U.S. military operations アメリカ主導の軍事行動を支援する: provide support for U.S.-led military actions アメリカ主導の軍事行動を非難する: speak out against the U.S.-led military campaign 米国の軍事行動を支援する: 1. help the Americans in their military operations 2. support the U.S. military operation 海外での軍事行動に道を開く: establish a path for military action in foreign countries 軍事行動を別々に開始する: mount separate military operations 軍事行動をとる: take military action 軍事行動を取る: mount a military campaign 軍事行動を始める: begin a military campaign