1. drainage basin 2. underground pool where the drained off water can accumulate
yoshiyaki (reed burning ) in the watarase retarding basin 渡良瀬遊水地のヨシ焼き
hozu-kyo valley is so narrow that it inhibits the flow of flood water caused by heavy rain and easily inundates kameoka city and funai-gun county upstream , acting as a natural flood control basin . 保津峡で川幅が狭くなる為に洪水流下能力が著しく阻害され、上流の亀岡市や船井郡は大雨が降ると容易に湛水し易くさながら天然の遊水地状態になる。
from 1910 to 1927 , on watarase-gawa river were done the large-scale river works such as changing the whole ex-yanaka village into a control basin and diverting the stream of watarase-gawa river; and in fact , those works decreased floods . 1910年から1927年にかけ、谷中村を遊水地にし、渡良瀬川の流れの向きを変えるなど、大規模な河川工事が行われ、洪水は減少した。
in response to the report by the second research committee of the mining pollution , watarase yusuichi (watarase pond ), the control basin for settling mineral poison was built on the prefectural borders between tochigi , gunma , saitama , and ibaraki prefectures . 第二次鉱毒調査会の報告書を受け、栃木県、群馬県、埼玉県、茨城県の境に、鉱毒沈殿用の渡良瀬遊水地が作られた。
遊水池: 1. flood control basin 2. retarding basin 遊水類: mutica《地学》 排水地: drainfield 浄水地: 浄水地 じょうすいち (clean-water) reservoir 浸水地: 1. submerged land 2. waterlogged land 用水地: 用水地 ようすいいけ reservoir 下水地域: sewerage district 不透水地域: impervious area 冠水地帯: 冠水地帯 n. flooded area 【C】 . (見出しへ戻る headword ? 冠水) 分水地点: watershed / water parting 含水地層: 含水地層 water-bearing strata[地球] 排水地帯: 排水地帯 discharging zone[地球] 排水地点: outlet point 洪水地質学: flood geology 浸水地帯: flooded area