while the construction of hiyoshi dam has basically solved the flood problem , no buildings have been erected in the area (formerly flood control basin ) between the jr sagano line and the hozu-gawa (oi-gawa ) river . この洪水は日吉ダムの開設により一応は解決しているものの、遊水池となっていたJR嵯峨野線と保津川(大堰川)の間には殆ど建築物がない。
this committee concluded in 1903 that after the preventive measure of 1897 , the mining pollution had been decreased , and they submitted a report suggesting that they should build a large , control basin near watarase-gawa river ' s mouth for settling mineral poison and for preventing floods . 同委員会は1903年に、1897年の予防令後は鉱毒は減少したと結論づけ、洪水を防ぐために渡良瀬川下流に鉱毒沈殿用の大規模な「遊水池」を作るべきとする報告書を提出した。
the point where the yodo-gawa river flows into kyoto basin is at the lowest altitude in that basin and the uji-gawa river , the only river originating from lake biwa , formed an enormous drainage basin covering the area from the vicinity of byodoin temple , where that river runs into kyoto basin and upstreams of the points where the uji-gawa river meets kizu-gawa river (kyoto prefecture ) in the western part of kyoto basin and the katsura-gawa river (yodo-gawa river system ). 淀川が京都盆地に流れ込むところは、京都盆地の中でも最も低いところに位置しており、琵琶湖から流れ出る唯一の河川である宇治川は、京都盆地へ流入する平等院付近から、京都盆地の西端にあった木津川 (京都府)、桂川 (淀川水系)との合流点の上流側にかけて広大な遊水池を形成していた。
遊水地: 1. drainage basin 2. underground pool where the drained off water can accumulate 遊水類: mutica《地学》 冷水池: 冷水池 cooling pond[化学]; cooling water pool[その他] 噴水池: 1. artesian basin 2. fountain pond 3. spray pond 浄水池: 1. clean water reservoir 2. clear water reservoir 3. pure water reservoir 海水池: saltwater pond 淡水池: freshwater pond 用水池: 用水池 ようすいち water reservoir 給水池: service storage 貯水池: 貯水池 ちょすいち reservoir 配水池: 1. distributing reservoir 2. distribution reservoir 集水池: collecting basin 静水池: still-water pond ダム貯水池: ダム貯水池 reservoir 上部貯水池: 上部貯水池 upper reservoir[機械]〈92B0119:水車及びポンプ水車用語〉