過半数の支持を得る: command support of a majority of〔~の〕 多くの支持を集める: receive majority support 有権者の支持を集める: 1. drum up voter support 2. rally support from constituents 選挙区民の支持を集める: rally support from constituents 支持を集める 1: rally back up 支持を集める 2 muster support for〔~の〕 支持を集める 3 drum up support for〔~への〕 対する国民の支持を集める: build public support for〔~に〕 議会の過半数を集める: assemble a parliamentary majority 新たな支持を集める: collect fresh endorsement 多数の支持を呼ぶ: attract considerable support 多数の支持を得る: gain support from a majority 一般党員の圧倒的な支持を集める: garner lopsided support among the rank-and-file members of the party 人々の圧倒的な支持を集める: enjoy the overwhelming support of the people 幅広い層の人々から支持を集める: attract a wide range of people 関し国民から熱狂的な支持を集める: attract enthusiastic support from the public with〔~に〕 無党派層の支持を広く集める: win the broad support of unaffiliated voters