- I would certainly not want to turn the clock back.
気は毛頭ない: 1. have no desire to 2. have no intention whatever of 3. not have the slightest intention of〔~する〕
あきらめる気は毛頭ない: be not about to give up
時間を浪費する気は毛頭ない: have no intention of wasting one's time at〔~で〕
巻き込まれる気は毛頭ない: have no desire to become involved in〔~に〕
私は彼の結婚のことで大騒ぎをする気は毛頭ない: I have no desire to make a big to-do about his wedding.
時代に逆行する: 1. go against the times 2. row against the current [stream] 3. row against the flood 4. row against the tide 5. row against the wind 6. run counter to the times 7. turn back the clock 8. turn the cl
時代に逆行する態度: retrograde attitude
私は他のことをやりたいとは思わない。: I don't think I would want to do anything else.
毛頭ない: 1. be not about to 2. far be it from me to 3. have no intention of〔~するつもりは〕
帰化する気持ちなど毛頭ない: have no desire to be naturalized
誰もが長生きしたがるが誰も年をとりたいとは思わない: Everyone desires to live long but no one would be old.〔米国第16代大統領Abraham Lincoln(1809-1865)の名言〕
気まずいと思わない: 【形】 unembarrassed
あなたを個人的に侮辱する気など毛頭ない: Least of all I'd never intend to insult you personally.
時代の流れに逆行する: swim against the stream.
時代の潮流に逆行する: swim [go, run] against the tide [current] (of the times)