- from a moral standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
道義的観点から言えば: from a moral standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
経済的な観点から言えば: from an economic standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
道徳的な観点から言えば: from a moral standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
道義的な観点からすると: from a moral standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
道義的な見地から言えば: from a moral standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
道義的見地から言えば: from a moral standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
別の観点から言えば: in another respect
道徳的観点から言えば: from a moral standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
健康という観点から言えば: from the point of view of health
人道的な観点から: from a humanitarian standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
医学的な観点から: medically speaking
国際的な観点から: from a global standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
実際的な観点から: from a pragmatic standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
建設的な観点から: from a constructive standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
戦略的な観点から: from a strategical standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]