- a partial Cabinet reshuffle
大規模な内閣改造: massive Cabinet reshuffle
内閣改造: 内閣改造 ないかくかいぞう cabinet reshuffle cabinet shake-up
大きな内閣改造を求める党内圧力をかわす: fend off ruling party pressure for a major reshuffle
内閣改造をする: reshuffle the Cabinet
内閣改造を行う: make changes in one's Cabinet
部分的な内方への置換: displacement of a part inward
与党主導の内閣改造: Cabinet reshuffle orchestrated by the ruling parties
内閣改造の行方をにらむ: watch moves revolving around the Cabinet reshuffle
内閣改造を行うか決める: decide whether to reshuffle one's Cabinet
内閣改造要求を生む: give rise to demands for a cabinet reshuffle
狙い内閣改造を行う: reshuffle one's Cabinet aimed at〔~を〕
改造する〔部分的に〕: 【他動】 alter
部分的な: 【形】 1. divisional 2. halfway 3. local 4. partial 5. sectional
部分的な表: partial list of〔~の〕
内閣改造の重点課題に挙げる: cite ~ as the major areas to which one puts priority in organizing the new Cabinet〔~を〕