- disagreement between the goods delivered and the amount of invoice
送り状金額の_%増相当額を付保した保険: insurance effected for a sum equal to the invoice amount plus __%
船積みの際送り状金額の手形を(人)あてに振り出す: draw on someone for the invoice amount at the time of shipment
返品した品物と同金額分の買い物: store credit
性の不一致: desire discrepancy
量の不一致: discrepancy of quantity
工場で生産された品物: goods produced from someone's factory〔人の〕
実際に配達された商品: items actually delivered
位相の不一致: out of phase
利害の不一致: 1. conflict of interest 2. conflicting interests 3. diversity of interest
利益の不一致: conflict of interest
性格の不一致: 1. incompatibility 2. incompatibility of character 3. incompatibility of temper 4. incompatibility of temperament 5. personality clash
性欲の不一致: desire discrepancy
数字の不一致: disagreement in figures
温度の不一致: temperature conflict
見解の不一致: clash of viewpoints