1. commit egregious human-rights violations 2. commit serious violations of human rights
人権侵害を犯す: commit human-rights abuses 陪審員は、彼が重大な人権侵害を犯したとして有罪を宣告した。: The jury found him guilty of a serious human-rights violation. 非常に甚大な数の人間の人権侵害を犯す: commit gross human rights violations その他の重大な人権侵害: other grave human rights violations 重大な特許侵害を犯す: commit a serious patent violation 残虐な人権侵害を行う: engage in brutal violations of human rights 人権侵害を止める: stop human rights abuses 大規模な人権侵害: large-scale human rights violations 組織的な人権侵害: systematic violations of human rights 人権侵害を犯した人々を法に基づいて裁く: bring to justice those who commit human-rights abuses 重大なミスを犯す: 1. commit grave errors 2. make a critical error 3. make a serious mistake 重大な失政を犯す: commit monumental policy errors 重大な罪を犯す: go commit a major crime 重大な誤りを犯す: make a serious mistake 重大な過ちを犯す: make a serious mistake